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Fake News Media in the U.S.

The definition of news: “information about current events.” Any news media outlet that is giving out information to the public has the responsibility to give the information as unbiased as possible. It's as simple as that. In this day in age though it seems that people who are responsible for updating the general public about what's going on in the world are telling us what we need to hear but aren't doing it so truthfully, while pushing their own agenda, especially with politics. Dare I say they are giving us “fake news,” and we see the fake news spread through different platforms such as broadcast and print media, the internet, and even social media. So the question is, who can we trust to give us our news? We the people need to stop being sheep to the news media. We need to start thinking for ourselves, because as long as we let the news media outlets spread fake news and be the wolves, the more we are subjected to their ideology. Funny how we need to start fact checking the people who are supposed to be the ones giving us the facts.


  1. It is very hard, especially with politics in the United States, to believe one news outlet. For example Fox News and CNN news, they are both competing with each other and saying that both are not telling the truth. It hurts us as a society because no one really knows exactly who to believe. That is why I try not to watch all news outlets because it is very hard to create my own opinion if I do watch them.


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